Refining—and Sharing—Best Practices
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Meadowbrook faculty are more than teachers. They are scholars who think about how they’re teaching, and who they’re teaching, and how they can improve. They seek the best content and approaches—and continually test them against outcomes-based standards.








Through the Meadowbrook Leadership Institute, faculty explore and implement new ideas to build the curriculum of the future based on best practices. They share their knowledge nationally and internationally at conferences on everything from design thinking to multicultural education.

Below is a sampling of Meadowbrook teachers who have presented on their areas of expertise during the past two years.

  • David Canfield, “Meadowbrook’s Multicultural Teaching Institute: A Teacher Created Model Program for Learning and Leading,” Independent School Experiential Education Network 2020 Winter Institute, Just Communities: Learning and Leading through Listening to Each Other; Jan. 23, 2020, Portland, OR
  • Dotty Corbiere, “Integration At Its Best,” MassCUE 2021 Conference; Feb. 10, 2021, Virtual (with Susan Fisher)
  • arvind grover, “Learning Isn’t Distant, It is Local,” NYSAIS (NY State Association of Independent Schools) Flexible Classroom Online Conference; July 14, 2020, Virtual
  • Ruth Mendoza, “The impact of SEED (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity) locally and globally. SEED at Meadowbrook,” Dedham Country Day’s commUNITY evening: Diversity and Inclusion; Jan. 16, 2020, Dedham, MA (with Emmy Howe, co-director, National SEED Project on Inclusive Curriculum)
  • Mike Scafati and Jonathan Schmid, “Building a Schoolwide Digital Citizenship Program & Culture,” MassCUE Annual Technology Conference; Oct. 23–24, 2019, Foxboro, MA
  • Jonathan Schmid, “Gsuite secrets to success; Google forms and sheets automation smackdown,” Future of Education Technology Conference 2020; Jan. 14–17, 2020, Miami, FL
  • Kate Thomas, “Token Hire or a Voice at the Table? #youngnumbandwoke,” NAIS: People of Color Conference; Dec. 7, 2019, Seattle, WA (with Kristina Abella and Jacob Rivers)
  • Susannah White, “Let’s Talk: Race and Equity,” Heronfield Academy Community Day; Jan. 6, 2020, Hampton Falls, NH
  • Daryl Wright, Ed.D., “A Document Analysis of Leadership Language that Enhances Family-School Collaboration in Efforts to Narrow the Achievement Gap,” Seattle University dissertation defense; Aug. 19, 2020, Virtual (with Andrew Johnson)

The best teachers are lifelong learners. At Meadowbrook, exploration will always be part of the faculty role, as our teachers seek the best outcomes and intentionally create a culture of innovation for their students.

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